Tackle UTIs using the power of nature

Author: Dr N. Drenchev
Published: May 06, 2024

Many may ask what triggers cystitis and how to recognize symptoms. The following blog outlines the essential information you should know about urinary tract infections (UTIs).

UTI or cystitis usually stems from an infection of the bladder by the bacteria E.coli. Once the bacteria enter the bladder they can rapidly multiply, doubling in number every 22 minutes! Within just a few hours their numbers reach levels that can cause inflammation of the urinary tract. A case of Cystitis can be accompanied by fever and fatigue but is most evident as either a pain or a burning feeling when urinating. Left to run its course it can subside naturally over a few days, but often it requires the use of antibiotics to clear it up.

Antispasmolitiics (medicines that reduce muscular spasms) are used by many people seeking fast relief from the uncomfortable symptoms. Unfortunately, their effect is temporary, and they don’t address the underlying infection and inflammation.

Are there any natural remedies that help ward off UTIs?

In terms of natural solutions to cystitis, the first thing that comes to most people ‘s minds is the use of Cranberry, either by drinking copious amounts of the juice or taking the various food supplements which can be readily purchased.

Cranberry works by containing natural compounds (proanthocyanidins or PACs) that block the adherence of E. coli to the wall of the bladder by way of the ‘p-binding site’ found on the sticky extensions (fimbriae) of the bacteria. Another commonly used natural ingredient people will come across for cystitis is D-mannose, a type of sugar found in many fruits. Mannose blocks to a different type of binding site on the E.coli to prevent it sticking to the wall of the bladder, the so-called ‘type 1 binding site’.

Can I take a combination of cranberry and d-mannose?

Yes, a combination of both, d – mannose and cranberry extract, will help in blocking all the E.coli fimbriae. As previously mentioned, the bacterium E. coli has two types of fimbriae it uses to attach to the bladde wall. Type 1 (one) is blocked by D-mannose, while the other, Type P, is blocked by proanthocyanidins. Therefore, products containing D-mannose and cranberry can help to deliver fast and effective results.

Certain natural ingredients e.g. Birch Leaf extract also have a long history use as diuretics, increasing urine production by the kidneys. This has the effect of helping to flush out bad bacteria from the bladder.

Antibiotics or natural remedies?

Acute cystitis often requires a consultation with a doctor who may decide to prescribe a course of antibiotics. However, securing an appointment with the Doctor can sometimes take several days, days in which the UTI infection can rapidly worsen. Where this might occur, natural solutions such as those discussed can provide the answer.